How to Disable Sticky Keys in Windows

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Although Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1 provide you with the Sticky Keys functionality to access keyboard shortcuts without pressing multiple keys simultaneously, it can cause confusion if you prefer using shortcuts normally. If you have the Sticky Keys functionality accidentally enabled on your computer, however, disable it in the Sticky Keys settings, via either the Sticky Keys shortcut or the Ease of Access configurations panel.


Disabling Sticky Keys

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While on the desktop, press the "Shift" key five time in a row to disable Sticky Keys; the Sticky Keys icon on the system tray should disappear as confirmation. Pressing the "Shift" key five times again brings up the Sticky Keys pop-up box, where you can turn on the Sticky Keys functionality again. Alternately, press "Windows-R" to open Run, type "Control Panel" (without quotes) and then press "Enter." On the Control Panel, click "Ease of Access," then "Ease of Access Center." Click the option labeled "Make the Keyboard Easier to Use," then uncheck the box next to "Turn on Sticky Keys" under the Make It Easier to Type section.


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You also have access to more Sticky Keys settings by clicking the "Set Up Sticky Keys" option, including a setting that disables the operating system's response to the five Shift key presses that launch the Sticky Keys pop-up. Click "Apply," then "OK" to finalize the changes.



