How to Display an Inequality Sign

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Math formulas on a computer screen.
Image Credit: peshkov/iStock/Getty Images

Inputting a math problem or equation into your computer can be a frustrating experience when it comes time to input an inequality sign. While most keyboards have the greater-than (">") and less-than ("<") symbols located in plain sight, inputting greater-than-or-equal-to ("≥"), less-than-or-equal-to ("≤") and not-equal ("≠") signs, generally require you to use a keyboard shortcut or a special keyboard helper program.


Using a Windows PC

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Step 1

Click on the "Start" icon in the lower left corner of the computer screen.

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Step 2

Select the menu marked "All Programs" or "Programs" from within the "Start" menu.


Step 3

Click on the menu marked "Accessories" and then click on the menu marked "System Tools."

Step 4

Select the program marked "Character Map." This will open a new window with a list of many characters.


Step 5

Find the inequality sign you're looking for among the characters on the list. The greater-than (">") and less-than ("<") signs are located toward the top of the list, while the greater-than-or-equal-to ("≥"), less-than-or-equal-to ("≤") and not-equal ("≠") signs are located about two-thirds of the way down the list.


Step 6

Click on the inequality sign you're looking for and then press the "Select" button at the bottom of the window. This will copy the sign you selected into the text box next to the "Select" button. When you've confirmed that the sign you selected appears in the text box, click the "Copy" button located to the right of the "Select" button.



Step 7

Open whatever program you'd like to place the sign in and press "Control" and "V" on your keyboard to paste in the sign.

Using a Mac

Step 1

Hold down the "Shift" key, located to the left on the second to lowest row of the keyboard, and simultaneously press the key marked with the less-than ("<") sign, located toward the bottom right corner of the keyboard, to make the less-than sign or the key marked with a greater-than (">") sign, also located toward the bottom right corner of the keyboard, to make the greater-than sign.


Step 2

Hold down the "Option" key, located toward the left on the bottom row of the keyboard, and simultaneously select the key marked with the less-than ("<") sign to make the less-than-or-equal-to ("≤") sign or the key marked with the greater-than (">") sign to make the greater-than-or-equal-to ("≥") sign.


Step 3

Hold down the "Option" key and select the key marked with the equals ("=") sign, located in the top right corner of the keyword, to make the not-equal ("≠") sign.


Using HTML

Step 1

Insert the text "<" directly into your HTML code to display a less-than ("<") sign and ">" to display a greater-than (">") sign.


Step 2

Insert "≤" into your HTML to display a less-than-or-equal-to ("≤") sign and "≥" to display a greater-than-or-equal-to ("≥") sign.

Step 3

Insert "≠" into your HTML to display a not-equal ("≠") sign.


