How to Do an Expense Report in Excel

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Excel spreadsheets are great tools for developing expense reports.

Microsoft Excel can help you manage and report finances. While there are other tools available for expense reporting, Excel is perfectly usable as well. Follow a few simple steps to process expenses with Excel.


Step 1

Create a new Excel spreadsheet. Click on the Bold font type, and increase the font size to title the report. Write the name of your company, the time period and your name in the upper left hand corner of the spreadsheet.

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Step 2

Include titles for each column on the second or third line down from the top. The first item should be titled "Expense." The next column should be "Type" and then "Date." The column after "Date" should be "Amount." Refer to your company's policies regarding these column titles. Some firms require that a notation of "Billable or Non-Billable" be applied.


Step 3

Enter all of your items in chronological order beginning with the first charge listed under the "Expense" column. The expense will be the name of the vendor or general service purchased. For example, you might write "Taxi" under expense and "Travel" under type.



Step 4

Complete all of your expenses with a new item on each row of the Excel spreadsheet. At the bottom of the sheet, add the total amount by entering the formula:


Highlight all of the "Amount" boxes, and hit "Enter" to complete the summation.

Step 5

Print out the expense sheet and another separate sheet to attach all receipts. Submit the completed expense report to your company.

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