How to Edit a Template in Outlook

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How to Edit a Template in Outlook. You can create a template in Microsoft Outlook 2007 so you can quickly compose similar email messages. After you have created that template, you can go back, edit the template and save the changes so they are reflected the next time you use the template.


Step 1

Start Microsoft Outlook 2007. Choose the "Tools" menu from the top of the Outlook screen, point to "Forms" and click "Choose Form" to open the Choose Form dialog box.

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Step 2

Choose "User Templates in File System" from the "Look in" drop-down menu at the top. The templates you have previously created will display below the drop-down list.


Step 3

Select the template you want to edit from the list by clicking on it. Click the "Open" button to close the Choose Form dialog box and open the template you have chosen in Outlook.


Step 4

Edit the Outlook 2007 template to reflect the changes you want to make to the template.


Step 5

Click the Office button at the top left of Outlook and choose "Save As" to open the Save As dialog box. You can rename the template or change the location where it's saved. Click the "Save" button when you are finished saving the template.

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