How to Email High-Resolution Images Without Losing Quality

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Image Credit: littlehenrabi/iStock/Getty Images

When you try to copy and paste high-resolution images in an email program, you might find that the picture loses some of its quality as the email client will try to display the image on the screen without the need for scrolling. You could try to send the image file as an attachment; however, some high-resolution images might be too large for that. To be sure that you can send your image without losing quality, compress it into an archive first.


Step 1

Right-click the image file on your computer. Click "Send to" and "Compressed (zipped) folder."

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Step 2

Open your email client or service.

Step 3

Compose a new message as you normally would.


Step 4

Click "Attach," "Add Attachment" or the "paperclip" icon. Different email clients use different phrasings.


Step 5

Navigate to the location of the compressed folder containing the image on your hard drive. Double-click the zipped folder.

Step 6

Send your email.

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