How to Find a Dead Cell Phone

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Cell phones can hide in a number of places throughout your home.
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Losing your cell phone can be stressful and frustrating, especially if the phone cannot ring because it has a dead battery. It can be challenging to track down a dead cell phone, but you can do it fairly quickly if you follow some simple steps.


Step 1

Look under couch cushions
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Search thoroughly the location where you last remember seeing or using your phone. Hopefully you will find the phone buried underneath the seat of your car or stuffed between the couch cushions; however, if you don't, at least this is a starting point for your search.


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Step 2

Check your purse, pants pockets, backpack and any other location where you typically place things.
Image Credit: Eileen Bach/Lifesize/Getty Images

Check your purse, pants pockets, backpack and any other location where you typically place things. For example, check the coffee table next to the door, the kitchen counter beside the fridge or the seat on the recliner closest to the door. Most people have a handful of locations where they habitually drop small objects; identify yours and check them for your dead phone.


Step 3

Use previously installed GPS tracking software or applications on your cell phone, if applicable.
Image Credit: Hemera Technologies/ Images

Use previously installed GPS tracking software or applications on your cell phone, if applicable. You may be able to use these programs over the Internet to find the location from which the phone last transmitted. If the phone died wherever you lost it, and the GPS location is specific enough, you may be able to find the phone this way.



Step 4

If you were carrying in groceries, look in the cabinets and the refrigerator for your phone.
Image Credit: Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Think about what you were doing when you last remember seeing the phone and check items or objects that are related to that activity. For example, if you were carrying in groceries, look in the cabinets and the refrigerator for your phone.


Step 5

You may also want to enlist your family and friends in your search--the more eyeballs the better when it comes to finding a lost cell phone.
Image Credit: Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

Organize a room-by-room search, starting at one end of your home, office or wherever you lost the phone. Remember to search all cracks and crevices. You may also want to enlist your family and friends in your search--the more eyeballs the better when it comes to finding a lost cell phone.

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