How to Find Deleted Facebook Profiles

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Deleting a Facebook profile is as easy as deleting the account from the Account Settings page in Facebook. Although the profile might be permanently deleted from Facebook, evidence that the page once existed is kept on several search engines including Yahoo!, Google and Bing in the form of cached pages. Cached pages provide a snapshot of what a Web page looked like before it was deleted. If the profile has been recently deleted, you may be able to retrieve a cached version.


Step 1

Navigate to Yahoo! and then type " profilename" where "profilename" is the name of the deleted profile you are trying to find, and then press "Enter." If any results show up, click "Cached" just below the entry to view the cached copy of the page.


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Step 2

Visit Google and then type " profilename." Change "profilename" to the name of the profile you are trying to find and then press "Enter." If any results appear, click "Cached" below the search result to view the cached page.


Step 3

Search on Bing for " profilename" where "profilename" is the name of the deleted profile you are trying to find. If results are found, click "Cached page" under the search result to view Bing's copy of the cached page.

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