How to Find Member Profiles on Hotmail

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Finding friends' profiles in the MSN member directory is easy.

Hotmail is an Internet webmail service provided by Microsoft through its Windows Live platform. Hotmail provides free email service to members and also lists members in the MSN member directory. The MSN member directory can be searched by email address, name and phone number, providing users with a way to find old friends, locate business clients or find people with similar interests. Searching the MSN member directory is easy once you are familiar with it.


Login to Hotmail and Access the Members Directory Search Function

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Step 1

Log into your Hotmail account. Go to the MSN Hotmail sign in page and enter your email address and password to access your account.

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Step 2

View your contacts. Under the "Hotmail" heading on the page's left-side bar, click on the "Contacts" link. The Hotmail "Contacts" page will open.


Step 3

Access the search function. Click on the "Add people" link located on the left-side bar of the Hotmail Contacts page under the "Your friends" heading. The Hotmail "Add people" page will open and display the Hotmail members search option.

Search by Email Address

Step 1

Navigate to the search function on the Hotmail "Add people" page containing the member directory search option as described in Section 1.


Step 2

Search for member profiles by email address. Type the email address of the member whose profile you are looking for in the search box located under the "Add people by name or email address" heading. Click "Next" to continue. The "Add people" results page will appear.


Step 3

View member profile. The email address that was searched for in the previous step will appear on the "Add people" results page. Click on the email address to display the member's profile associated with that email address.


Search by Name

Step 1

Navigate to the search function. Return to the Hotmail "Add people" page containing the member directory search function as described in Section 1.


Step 2

Search for member profiles by name. Click on the "Search for people" link located under the "Add people by name or email address" search box. The Hotmail "Search results" page will open.

Step 3

Enter member name. Type the name of the member whose profile you are searching for in the search box located at the top of the page and click "Enter." A new "Search results" page will open displaying all member profiles matching your search criteria. Click on a particular profile to view profile details.


Search by Phone Number

Step 1

Navigate to the search function. Return to the Hotmail "Add people" page containing the member directory search function as described in Section 1.

Step 2

Access the advanced search option. Click the "Advanced people search" link located under the search box. Advanced search options will appear.


Step 3

Search for member profiles by phone number. Enter the member's phone number in the advanced search field and press the "search" button to continue. The member's profile matching the telephone number will appear. Click on a particular profile to view profile details.



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