How to Find Out If I Have Word Installed on My Computer

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With Microsoft Word, you can create professional-looking documents and presentations. The word-processing software is part of Microsoft's Office Suite, which also includes programs like Excel, OneNote, Project, PowerPoint, Outlook and Publisher. Not all computers are shipped with Microsoft Office software installed. If you want to use Microsoft Word, you must verify that it is on your computer.


Check the Start Menu

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Step 1

Left-click "Start" to open your computer's Start menu. You may also press the Windows logo key on your keyboard to open the menu.

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Step 2

Move your mouse pointer down the Start menu until it rests on "All Programs."

Step 3

Check the list of programs that appears for "Microsoft Office." Rest your mouse on the folder. A menu will open that lists any Office programs installed on your computer. If you have MS Word, it will be in the list. (If you do not see the files by resting the mouse on the folder, left-click to reveal the files.)


Step 1

Left-click on the "Start" button or press the Windows logo key on your keyboard to open the Start menu.


Step 2

Left-click "Search."


Step 3

Choose to search in all files and folders and to look in your C drive. Type "Winword.exe" in the box that asks for all or part of the file name. Winword.exe is the executable file that runs the Microsoft Word program.

Step 4

Press "Search." If Word is installed, your computer will find the Winword.exe file.



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