Knowing the location of the nearest AT&T cell phone tower in relation to your current geographical position can, at the very least, explain the current quality of your cell signal. If you're far away from the nearest tower, that explains why you're getting horrible reception. You can find out the location of the nearest AT&T cell tower using a few different free services on the Internet.
Step 1
Use Antenna Search (see Resources). Open your web browser and load the main Antenna Search website. Type your full address into the boxes on screen and click "Go." The map that loads will display all cellular towers in your area with their exact locations. This map will display towers from AT&T as well as other cell providers, such as Sprint and Verizon.
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Step 2
Use Antenna Sites (see Resources). Fill out information about your location using the drop-down menus on the right side of the screen. Specify your state, county and city for the best results. You can even search by latitude and longitude coordinates, should you happen to know the coordinates for your location. Click "Submit" to view both existing AT&T cell towers (as well as towers from other providers), in addition to towers that will be built in the near future.
Step 3
Use Cell Reception (see Resources). Specify your city and state in the drop-down menu and click "GO." The map that is displayed resembles a typical map you would find on a site like Yahoo! Maps or Google Maps. The pins on the map represent cell towers, and if you hover your mouse over a pin, a box will appear telling you which cellular provider that particular tower belongs to.
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