When you connect a computer to a network for the first time, you may be asked for your computer's MAC address. MAC is an acronym for "Media Access Control" and applies to any device connecting to a network -- Windows and Apple alike. A MAC address is a 12-digit alphanumeric code that is unique to each network adapter. A MacBook Pro has one address for its Ethernet adapter and one for its Wi-Fi adapter. You can find either address in System Preferences in OS X Mavericks or Yosemite.
Step 1

Click the "System Preferences" icon in the MacBook's dock. If you removed it, select "System Preferences" from the Apple menu at the top of the screen.
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Step 2

Click the "Network" icon in System Preferences. The icon looks like a globe.
Step 3

Select "Wi-Fi" to find your MacBook's wireless MAC address. If you're connecting to a network with an Ethernet cable, click "Ethernet" instead. For either connection type, click the "Advanced" button.
Step 4

Click the "Wi-Fi" tab in the Wi-Fi window. Your MacBook's Wi-Fi MAC address is listed at the bottom of the window as the "Wi-Fi Address."
Step 5

Click the "Hardware" tab in the Ethernet window. The Ethernet MAC address is listed right below the tabs.
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