How to Find Your Amazon Account With Your Kindle

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Amazon has reworked and improved many aspects of the hardware and software in the Kindle, like increasing the screen's contrast and boosting the battery performance. One of the ways Amazon works to improve the device's software is by including several experimental options in Kindles, like an MP3 player and a Web browser. Use the Web browser within the Kindle to access your Amazon account, even if you don't have access to a Wi-Fi network. Depending on your Internet connection this process may take a long time.


Step 1

Press the "Home" button on your Kindle.

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Step 2

Press "Menu."

Step 3

Navigate to and select the "Experimental" option using the 5-way controller.


Step 4

Press the "Menu" button again and select "Bookmarks."

Step 5

Select "Launch browser."

Step 6

Select the "" bookmark. The page may take a few moments to load. When the page loads, the browser will by default display the Zoom tool for your to use.


Step 7

Move the Zoom tool to the top-right corner of the browser window and click the center button in the 5-way controller.

Step 8

Navigate the cursor to the "Your Account" link near the top-right corner of the screen, then click it. You must use the 5-way controller for this, and it may be difficult because there are so many links on the page the cursor will jump to. You'll know you've selected the correct link because the cursor will be on top of the "Your Account" link, and a rectangle appears around the words.



Step 9

Press the center button of the 5-way controller to zoom in on the right side of the page after the account login page loads.

Step 10

Select the text box below the words "E-mail address." Once your cursor is over the box, you've selected it and you do not need to press the 5-way controller's center button.


Step 11

Type in your Amazon account email address. Select the Password text box and then type in your password. Press the "Sym" button just above the Home button to bring up a list of symbols, including numbers and the "@" symbol. If you make a mistake, press the "Del" button next to the 5-way controller; this button functions just like the "Backspace" button on a computer keyboard.

Step 12

Select the button labeled "Sign in." Your browser will bring you to your account page.

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