How to Fix a DVD Player Built Into a TV

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A hand inserting a DVD in a player
Image Credit: Maxim Tupikov/iStock/Getty Images

How to Fix a DVD Player Built Into a TV. A DVD player that is built into a TV is an attractive option to save some money and the hassle of connecting all of the cables ... until it breaks. Then all of the convenience of having the player built-in becomes a hindrance, as the components of your DVD player will be much harder to get to. If you want to know how to fix a DVD player that is built into a TV, here are some helpful steps.


Step 1

Disconnect the appliance from all power sources. You do not want to risk electrical shock as you work on the built-in DVD player.

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Step 2

Position the TV on a desk or table with metal trim that can easily be approached on all sides. Set up your workstation in the middle of the room so that you have easy access from every direction. Also, the metal trim is desirable so that any static electrical charges can be grounded before they have the chance to cause further damage to the sensitive electronics.


Step 3

Remove the TV housing. Locate the screws-typically two in the top corners and two in the bottom corners-and remove the outer shell of the TV. Carefully place the shell and screws in a place where they will not be in the way or lost.

Step 4

Look for any obvious signs of malfunction. Closely examine the circuit board and other electronic components for signs of heat, like scorching, melted plastic, etc. If a component on the circuit board has been cooked, use a soldering gun and gingerly heat the solder around it so that you can remove the part.


Step 5

Carefully examine the lens that "reads" the DVD. Many times, a lens that is slightly misaligned or dirty will prevent the ability to read the information on a disc properly. If you suspect that the lens is out of alignment, look for any screws that you can loosen to make micro-adjustments. If the lens appears to be dirty, dip a cotton swab into a little bit of isopropyl alcohol and carefully clean the surface of the lens.



Step 6

Look at the DVD drawer closing mechanism. Look for slight misalignment of the tracks and gears that prevent the drawer from closing properly. If you can locate the problem, carefully nudge the track back into alignment with your fingers and listen for a reassuring click. Also look for small bits of plastic that may have gotten caught in the teeth of one of the gears. If this is the problem, take a pair of non-magnetized tweezers and carefully remove the offended chunk of plastic.


Step 7

Put the outer shell back into place and secure it by turning the screws. Then plug the TV back into a power source and see if your electronic sleuthing and repair has paid off.

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