How to Fix a Master Boot Record Using the Ultimate Boot Disk

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The Ultimate Boot Disk (or Ultimate Boot CD) is a program designed to incorporate a large number of troubleshooting utilities with the functionality of a boot disk, enabling you to fix most computer problems without having to resort to an expensive technician. The Master Boot Record is the section of your hard drive that contains the drive contents and other relevant information. This area of the drive can be quickly repaired using the tools on the Ultimate Boot CD.


Step 1

Insert the Ultimate Boot CD into your computer.

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Step 2

Restart the machine and press any key as the PC is loading to boot from CD.

Step 3

Highlight the "Filesystem Tools" option and press "Enter."


Step 4

Highlight the "MBRTool" option and press "Enter."


Step 5

Select the "Restore" option and press "Enter" to repair your Master Boot Record.

Step 6

Reboot your computer.

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