How to Fix Iexplore.Exe Application Error

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World Wide Web protocol is used by web browsers.

Internet Explorer is very notorious for system crashes. The software is very vulnerable and encounters errors often, causing the program to close. Many times this is due to an add-on, such as a toolbar or even a malicious virus. However, the software sometimes becomes so corrupt that it constantly closes out and eventually needs reinstalled. To do so, the user will need to uninstall the program and download the latest version from Microsoft.


Check for Possible Causes

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Step 1

Try opening Internet Explorer without add-ons. You can do this by browsing the Start menu and expanding the folder "Accessories" and the sub-folder "System Tools." Click on "Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)." If the program seems to function properly with the add-ons disabled, follow the next step.


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Step 2

Click "Tools" and select "Internet Options" inside of Internet Explorer. Select the "Programs" tab and click on "Manage Add-ons". Disable anything on the list that is not by the "Microsoft Corporation" under the "Publisher" column. You may need to update Adobe Flash and Java after completing this step. If the errors still occur, continue to the next step.


Step 3

Download an anti-malware scanning program and install it. Run a complete scan and remove any infection results.


Reinstall and Update Internet Explorer

Step 1

Update your Internet Explorer by visiting the Microsoft website for Internet Explorer 8 (see Resources).


Step 2

Download and install the appropriate version of Internet Explorer.

Step 3

Reboot the PC to complete installation. Open the new Internet Explorer and follow the one-time setup wizard.



references & resources