A blue screen, commonly called the "Blue Screen of Death," displays critical errors discovered during computer operations in Microsoft Windows operating systems. The Hiren's Boot CD provides a variety of programs that can be utilized to repair different computer problems related to the blue screen. Hiren's CD is used as a bootable CD or as a regular CD to determine and solve computer problems.
Step 1
Enter the computer BIOS and set the boot device to CD. During the computer startup, a function key number will be displayed that can be used to enter the computer BIOS.
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Step 2
Insert "Hiren's Boot CD" then restart the computer.
Step 3
Select "NTFS DOS Pro," located in the "NTFS Ext2Fs Tools" menu on the Hiren's CD. This action will load the software. If requested, run Checkdisk.
Step 4
Review the last few lines of text displayed on the screen to locate the new temporary drive for your hard drive (HDD).
Step 5
Switch to the new temporary drive. Type the drive letter and a colon. For example: E: Press the "Enter" key.
Step 6
Type "cd system1_restor1\rp95\snapshot." Press the "Enter" key.
The "rp" included in the information you typed is short for restore point. The "rp95" represents the restore point selected. The higher the number, the more recent the restore point. This action should start the restore point. If it does not, retype the requested information and use a number lower than 95 for the "rp" number.
Step 7
Type dir/p. This action will list the files in the directory.
Step 8
Review the file information and locate "_REGISTRY_MACHINE_SYSTEM."
For this item, the file size and file name is to the left. Write down the file name. The file name will look similar to: _r37c4~1. If needed, press the "Space Bar" to see additional files not shown currently on the screen or to go back to the command prompt.
Step 9
Review the copy command shown below as a guide to type the copy command for this step: copy_r37c4~1 d:\windows\system32\config\system.
Where "_r37c4~1" is an example for demonstration purposes -- use the file name you wrote down earlier. Where "d:" is an example, use the temporary drive letter assigned earlier.
Type the copy command as shown above using your file name and temporary drive to complete the copy command. Press the "Enter" key.
Step 10
Type "Overwrite = Y."
Step 11
Restart the computer using the keys "CTR+ALT+DEL."
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