How to Fix TV Lift Units

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A TV lift is designed to raise and lower a TV upon command. The lift motor must be properly calibrated for the weight of the TV or it will not perform smoothly. To fix a TV lift that is behaving in an irregular manner, adjust the lift motor. The procedure requires use of household tools and does not require the technician who originally installed the lift.


Step 1

Unplug the TV lift's power cord from the outlet. Remove the TV from the TV lift's platform and place it aside. Open the doors so that you can access the lift's motor inside the cabinet it is residing in.

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Step 2

Place the crossbar that comes with the TV lift over the left and right side rails of the lift as a safety precaution.


Step 3

Locate the two "Limit" switches that are at the bottom right front and bottom right back of the motor.

Step 4

Insert the Allen wrench into the socket on the bottom right back "Limit" switch. Rotate the Allen wrench one complete revolution counterclockwise.


Step 5

Insert the Allen wrench into the socket on the bottom right front "Limit" switch. Rotate the Allen wrench four complete revolutions clockwise.


Step 6

Remove the crossbar. Plug the power cord back in. Press the "Down" button on the remote control to lower the lift platform. Let two minutes pass. Press the "Up" button on the remote control to raise the platform. Let two minutes pass.

Step 7

Close the cabinet doors. Place the TV back on the lift platform.

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