If you operate a small business, you may be considering the purchase of a cell phone in your business's name. When purchasing your phone and receiving a number, you will need to provide ID. You can use your Employer Identification Number (EIN), sometimes referred to as a Tax Identification Number (TIN), in place of a Social Security number (SSN). The EIN is widely accepted in place of an SSN for many business-related transactions, including the purchase of cell phones.
Step 1
Contact any major cell phone provider and ask them about their cell phone plans for businesses. Most major carriers offer plans and cell phones that are specifically tailored for company use.
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Step 2
Choose a plan that's right for your business. Plans are offered according to the number of users you want, so if you run a small business, your needs will likely be different than if you're in charge of a large corporation. Consider the places you'll be calling. For example, if you have a lot of international customers you'll want to look for a plan that includes international calling.
Step 3
Complete the application. Write or type your nine-digit EIN in place of your SSN. The cell phone company will verify that the EIN is valid and that your business has acceptable credit.
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