Custom email addresses are a means of recognition. If professionals possess an email address on a custom domain tailored to their profession rather than Google or Yahoo, they will not only have a good first impression but also a reflection of what they do. Custom email addresses can be used on their own, as well as connected to existing email accounts. Messages sent to a custom-domain email address may be forwarded to an existing email account, if needed.
Step 1
Open an Internet browser and navigate to mail.com.
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Step 2
Locate the main navigation bar. Find the text above the navigation bar that reads, "Want a free email account?" Click the "sign up now" button.
Step 3
Fill out the form with all the information required. Choose the custom domain required within the drop-down list after the username field.
Step 4
Once the form is completed, click the "create account" button at the bottom of the page. Optional offers for mail.com users are ticked by default (just above the "create account" button) and can be unchecked to not receive the offer.
Step 5
Decide whether you want premium add-on services for mail.com accounts. Basic mail.com email accounts are free to create and use. Save your account information in a secure place. Log in to the account via the link provided on the page.
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