How to Get Autotune in Magix Music Maker

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Magix Music Maker has no built-in auto-tuning function. As a result, Music Maker users requiring the autotune effect must use a VST-compatible third-party pitch correction plug-in. Numerous options exist, most of which are commercial products. The most prominent of these is Auto-Tune EVO by Antares, the inventors of the autotune effect. However, there is a free auto-tune VST plug-in called Autotalent that includes all the necessary functionality to convincingly reproduce the effect.


Step 1

Download and install Autotalent. The plug-in does not come with an installer. Place the DLL file in a convenient location on your hard drive. Make a note of the location—you will need it to tell Music Maker where to scan for the plug-in.

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Step 2

Launch Magix Music Maker. When its default project screen appears, open the File menu and select Preferences. Music Maker's preferences dialogue appears.


Step 3

Click the Directories tab in the preferences dialog. The dialogue display changes to a list of hard drive locations associated with different plug-in types and other locations on your drive relevant to Music Maker.

Step 4

Click "Configure Path Manually." A file browser pop-up appears. Locate the folder in which you placed the Autotalent DLL in the browser and click it. Click "OK." Music Maker automatically scans the folder for plug-ins and other file types used by the application. Autotalent is scanned and added to Music Maker's list of available VST effects.


Step 5

Create a new track by right-clicking within Music Maker's arrangement area and selecting New Track from the context menu. A pop-up appears. Select Audio and click "OK." Music Maker creates a new audio track. MIDI tracks cannot be autotuned unless their audio output is routed to a bus. However, in the vast majority of cases, the autotune effect is used on audio recordings, particularly vocal recordings.



Step 6

Press "M." Music Maker's mixer screen appears.

Step 7

Click the disclosure arrow in the first slot labeled FX in the new track's channel strip. A pop-up menu appears. The menu lists all scanned and available VST effect plug-ins.


Step 8

Select Autotalent from the list. Music Maker loads the plug-in and displays its interface. You can now use the autotune effect on this track. The autotune effect may be applied to any audio track, but will be most effective when applied to monophonic solo tracks, such as vocals or a solo instrument such as a saxophone or trumpet.

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