How to Get Internet on PSP With USB Cable

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The PSP is a popular portable game console that also can access the Internet. If no wireless network exists at your current location, you can still access the Internet using a USB PSP connector cable attached to a computer with a wired broadband connection. Accessing the Internet through such a connection is quickly and easily accomplished; no additional Internet service provider fees apply, and the connection will not harm the PSP or the computer in any way.


Step 1

Contact your Internet service provider and ask for the IP address of the domain name server that your Internet configuration uses.

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Step 2

Connect one end of the USB PSP connector cable to the PSP and the other to the USB port of a Windows-based computer. Turn on the PSP.


Step 3

Go to "Control Panel > Network Connections" on the computer and select the local network you are using.

Step 4

Click the "Properties" tab and select "Internet Protocol" (TCP/IP).


Step 5

Select "Use the following DNS server addresses." In the DNS primary column, enter the IP address given to you by the Internet service provider. Leave the DNS secondary column blank.


Step 6

Click "Save" to save the setting you have made and close the "Internet Protocol" window. Close the "Network Connections" window.


Step 7

Run the Web browser on the PSP. Click on links to go to web pages in order to see that the PSP is connected to the Internet through the USB connection.

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