Discovering your computer has been infected by a malicious computer bug can be annoying and can quickly become time-consuming if proper steps are not taken. It is crucial to get your antivirus and spyware programs updated and routinely scanning your PC for bugs. Many of these computer bugs are more difficult to get rid of, so alternative steps may be taken to remove them. Microsoft has a great built-in tool for removing many of the most common computer bugs out on the Internet. It can be your first tool in getting rid of computer bugs from your computer.
Use the Microsoft Malicious Removal Tool
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Step 1
Go to "Start," type "MRT" in the search box, and hit enter. This will open the "Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool."
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Step 2
Click "Next," select "full scan," and click "Next" again.
Step 3
Finish the scan, and follow the on-screen prompts to remove your computer bug.
Use your Anti-Virus programs
Step 1
Shut down and restart your computer while holding down the "F8" key on your keyboard. This will open the Advanced Boot Options menu.
Step 2
Use your down arrows, and select "Safe Mode"
Step 3
Log in to the computer through "Safe Mode," and click "OK" to proceed when prompted to do so.
Step 4
Open your antivirus program and run a full scan.