While setting up a photograph often puts a number of factors within your control, image lighting, glare and sunspots are often out of the picture taker's hands. Eliminate bright spots in a picture after the fact by opening the image in Photoshop. Photoshop's graphics editing tools put you in control of the lighting by allowing you to tone down the brightness in the image area by area so as not to fade out or darken places in the picture that are already the ideal tone.
Step 1
Open Adobe Photoshop. Click the "File" menu and select the "Open" option. Browse to the photo with the bright spots to get rid of and double-click the file name.
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Step 2
Press the "Ctrl" and then "+" keys to zoom in on one area with a bright spot. Skip this step if the area is large enough to be viewed already on the Photoshop canvas.
Step 3
Click the "Lasso" tool, which is the third icon from the top on the "Tools" column. Draw an outline around the bright spot.
Step 4
Pull down the "Image" menu. Click "Adjustments." Click "Brightness/Contrast." Drag the small window over to the right so the outlined area is visible.
Step 5
Slide the "Brightness" bar slowly to the left. Watch how the selected area becomes darker the farther left you slide. Click the "OK" button when satisfied.
Step 6
Select another bright spot with the "Lasso" tool. Repeat the "Brightness/Contrast" procedure – each spot may have a different degree of brightness to repair, so the "Brightness" slider number may vary per spot.
Step 7
Click the "File" menu. Select "Save As." Type in a new name for the image and click the "Save" button or click the "Save" button without entering a new name to overwrite the original.
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