When you connect to another PC computer over the Internet using the Remote Desktop protocol, you may find that videos and other media content produce a very choppy or distorted display. In Windows 7, the updated Remote Desktop Connection utility includes advanced settings that allow you to improve video quality in Remote Desktop sessions.
Step 1
Open the "Start" menu and expand the "All Programs" list.
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Step 2
Open the "Accessories" folder and click on "Remote Desktop Connection."
Step 3
Click on the arrow next to "Options" to reveal the "Advanced Options" menu.
Step 4
Go to the "Display" tab.
Step 5
Open the drop-down menu under the "Colors" heading and select the "Highest Quality (32 bit)" setting.
Step 6
Go to the "Experience" tab.
Step 7
Choose the "High-speed broadband" or "LAN" setting from the "Connection speed" menu.
Step 8
Check the boxes next to "Font smoothing," "Menu and window animation" and "Visual styles."
Step 9
Press the "Connect" button to initiate a new Remote Desktop session with the updated settings.
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