You can use a MacBook Pro's serial number to verify whether it has been refurbished only if the Mac was refurbished by Apple or a third-party vendor that issues a new serial number for refurbished products. Numerous third-party resellers do not issue new serial numbers. You can check the serial number through Apple's technical support to possibly identify if your MacBook Pro is a refurbished model.
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Step 1
Locate the MacBook Pro's serial number. Click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen in the menu bar. Select "About This Mac." Click the "More Info" button in the About This Mac menu. The MacBook menu will appear. Find the words "Serial Number" in the list that appears under Hardware Overview. A combination of numbers and letters appears to the right of the entry. This is the serial number.
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Step 2
Call Apple Store Customer Service at (800) 676-2775. Follow the prompts in the automated phone system to connect you to a customer service representative.
Step 3
Ask the customer service representative to verify if the serial number on your MacBook Pro is from a refurbished model. Give the representative the computer's serial number. The representative will tell you if the serial number belongs to a computer that Apple refurbished.