Headers and footers are the ideal place for page numbers, author names and section titles, but if you want a footer only on a single page, Word doesn't make it easy. Although Microsoft Word has a footer setup for the first page, if you're looking for a footer on a single page that isn't the first one, you have to use section breaks to isolate the page in its own section. From there, you can give it a footer that's different from every other page.
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If you want a footer on the first page of your document, the "Different First Page" option makes this easy to achieve. Open the footer section of the document, either by double-clicking the bottom of the page or going to "Insert" and "Footer."
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The "Design" toolbar pops up when you activate the footer. Check the option that says "Different First Page" and then type the footer you want. The first page keeps what you entered, but the rest of the document is unaffected. You can also use this feature to remove the footer from a title page of a document.
To get a footer only on one page that isn't the first page, you use section breaks. Position the cursor on the page before where you want the footer to start and go to the "Page Layout" tab and "Breaks" in the "Page Setup" section. The drop-down menu gives you multiple options; choose "Next Page" from "Section Breaks." This creates a new section containing the page you want the footer on.
From this point, you create a footer in Word for the single-page section and then close the section. Complete the page of text or whatever you want to be on the page with the footer, and then create a new section for the following page as you just did for the single page. Double-click the bottom of the page to open the footer on the page (or go to "Insert" and "Footer") and then type the footer you want.
When you select the footer area, the "Header & Footer Tools" bar is activated. In the "Navigation" section, you should see "Link to Previous." Click this to unselect it, which removes the connection between the current section's footer and the one for the previous section. Now go to the next section and do the same thing, making sure to remove any text there. The footer now appears only on the one-page section you created.
The sectioning approach can also be used to create a range of different footers throughout a document or restart a page-numbering system at any point. For example, if you want to start your page numbering again for each section of a document, you split it into sections and then deselect the "Link to Previous" option on each. From this point, you can add page numbers to any specific sections you want, and they continue on from the previous section automatically.