How to Install PyLab on Python

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How to Install PyLab on Python
Image Credit: surasaki/iStock/Getty Images

PyLab is a module that belongs to the Python mathematics library Matplotlib. PyLab combines the numerical module numpy with the graphical plotting module pyplot. PyLab was designed with the interactive Python interpreter in mind, and therefore many of its functions are short and require minimal typing. This makes it a very efficient and convenient mathematical tool. If you want to install PyLab, you must also install Matplotlib. This process is fairly simple and follows the standard installation procedure of any application.



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Step 1

Navigate to the Matplotlib download website (see Resources for link).

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Step 2

Download the file named "matplotlib-x.x.x.win32-py2.7.exe," where x.x.x is the current version of Matplotlib.


Step 3

Save the file to your Desktop.

Step 4

Double-click the file to begin the installation process. Follow the brief onscreen instructions by pressing the button labeled "Next." Installation will take less than a minute on most machines.


Mac OS

Step 1

Download the file named "," where x.x.x is the current version of Matplotlib.

Step 2

Double-click the "DMG" file to open it. A new finder window will appear.


Step 3

Locate the Matplotlib icon within the finder window.

Step 4

Drag the Matplotlib icon into your Applications directory. Matplotlib will now be installed.

Ubuntu Linux

Step 1

Open up a bash shell.


Step 2

Type in the following command to download and install Matplotlib:

sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib

Step 3

Type in the administrators password to proceed with the install.



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