How to Invert Colors on PDFs

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A portable document format (PDF) is a file that allows you to view, share and create electronic documents. PDFs can be viewed no matter what type of word processing system is used. Developed by Adobe, PDFs are widely used on the Internet in the form of text books, documents and manuals. Even some books can be viewed as a PDF online. However, PDFs can only be viewed in the typically black text on a white screen format. For those with vision problems, this can be strenuous on their eyes. Instead, convert your PDFs to a different color for easier reading.


Step 1

Click "File" at the top of the PDF you'd like to color convert.

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Step 2

Click "Save As Text."

Step 3

Type in a file name and location (Word) in the dialog box. Click "Save" and exit.


Step 4

Open Word, and click the "Windows" icon. Click "Open," and then select the PDF file that you saved to text in Word.

Step 5

Click the "Page Layout" tab at the top of the PDF text screen. Click "Page Color" located in the Page Background box. Click any color to change the background, such as black. Click "OK" and exit.



Step 6

Click the "Home" tab and click the Font box to open. Select a color for your text font, such as white. Click the "Windows" icon and click "Save."

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