How to Jump to Another Part of a Document in Word

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A Microsoft Word document may take many forms, such as a standard letter, brochure, multi-page newsletter or even a postcard. When a reader views a Word document from within Word, you can offer the option for readers to plot their own course with clickable links. Readers can jump from section to section of the document, to gather more information or learn as they go.


Step 1

Open Word. Click the "File" tab at the top of the screen. Select "Open." Browse to the document to add the jumps to and double-click the file name.

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Step 2

Scroll to the place in the document to jump to, where the reader will land after clicking. Place the cursor to the left of the first letter of the word.


Step 3

Click the "Insert" tab at the top of the screen. Click the "Bookmark" button in the middle of the ribbon/toolbar at the top of the screen.

Step 4

Type a name of the bookmark in the "Bookmark name" field. The reader will not see this, it is just to help you find the bookmark when connecting the document. Click the "Add" button to return to the document. No changes are visible on the document.



Step 5

Scroll to the starting place in the document, where the reader will click to jump to the landing point. Highlight the word or phrase the reader should click. Right-click the highlight and select "Hyperlink." The "Insert Hyperlink" window appears.

Step 6

Click the "Bookmark" button on the right side of the window. Double-click the bookmark added in the "Bookmark name" field. Click the "OK" button. The highlighted section turns blue with an underline, signifying a clickable jump.

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