How to Make 8-Bit Sounds With Audacity

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The Audacity sound editing program, available as freeware on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX, has a built-in function that turns high-fidelity 16- and 32-bit sound files into low-fi 8-bit recordings.

Step 1: Open A File

Click the File menu. Select an audio file to work on, then click the Open button to open the file.


Video of the Day

Open an audio file
Image Credit: J T B

Step 2: Export Audio From File Menu

Click the File menu, then select Export Audio.


Export the file
Image Credit: J T B

Audacity opens a file dialog box.


Step 3: Enter File Name

Type a name for your 8-bit audio file in the File name field.

Enter new name for 8-bit file
Image Credit: J T B

Step 4: Select File Type

Click the Save as type pull-down list and select Other uncompressed files.



Select Other uncompressed file type
Image Credit: J T B

Step 5: Options Button

Click the Options button and select Unsigned 8-bit PCM from the list that appears. Click the Save button. Audacity displays a dialog box containing metadata information for the file.


Select Unsigned 8-bit PCM
Image Credit: J T B

Step 6: Set Metadata

Edit the file metadata, including Artist Name, Genre and Year. You can modify this information or leave it blank. Click the OK button. Audacity saves your file in the 8-bit format.


Edit metadata and save the file
Image Credit: J T B



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