Manufacturers design MP3 players for mobility, but users are still tethered in another way. Most players have an audio port that is compatible with earbuds and headphones. The cords on these hearing devices vary in length, which is a convenience or a hindrance to the users. Also, the cord can eventually suffer wear and tear, becoming unusable. Bluetooth is a technology that is adaptable to MP3 players, and this can offer greater wireless mobility. Though the player does not include any of the components of Bluetooth connectivity, you can adapt the device so that it can transmit wireless audio.
Step 1
Obtain a Bluetooth transmitter adapter for MP3 players. These are sold at local and online retailers. Some adapters are universal and connect to a standard 3.5mm audio port found on many MP3 players. Other adapters are constructed specifically for iPod devices. Navigate to the Web pages in the Resources section to see examples of brands, models and specifications.
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Step 2
Charge the adapter's battery per manufacturer's instructions. Two common methods are connecting the adapter to the USB port and drawing power from a PC. Other adapters plug into power outlets in the wall.
Step 3
Turn off the MP3 player if it is powered on. Plug the Bluetooth transmitter adapter into the MP3 player. Press the control button(s) on the adapter to turn it on. The LED indicators will light up on the device.
Step 4
Power on the device that serves as the Bluetooth receiver, such as headsets or headphones. Blinking LEDs on the unit usually indicate that the device is ready to discover Bluetooth transmissions, in this case from the MP3 player.
Step 5
Look at the LED lights on the Bluetooth adapter connected to the MP3. Slow-blinking LEDs usually indicate the adapter is on. Fast-blinking LEDs indicate that the adapter has detected a receiver and is attempting to pair or connect to the device. Medium-paced blinking usually indicates the adapter is paired and able to transmit audio.
Step 6
Turn on the MP3 player and begin playing a song. Put on your hearing device to start listening to your music.
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- Motorola: D650 Bluetooth Adapter and iPod Pairing Instructions
- Panasonic: Digital Wireless Earphones RP-BT10 Operating Instructions (PDF Document)
- Tech-FAQ: Bluetooth
- Motorola: D650 Bluetooth Adapter for iPOD
- Panasonic: Panasonic Digital Wireless Earphones RP-BT10K
- Sony Style: Wireless Transmitter for iPod