Microsoft Word is a word processing program that comes with Microsoft's Office suite. While many people use Word for simple tasks such as writing letters, it has many more applications. One such application is to produce custom CD covers for your homemade CDs and DVDs. With Word templates, anyone can make CD covers regardless of their desktop publishing skills. Custom CD covers can give your homemade CDs a professional appearance and can be created in as little as a few minutes.
Step 1
Open Word and choose "New" from the "File" menu. Select the "Template" option and click on "Labels." In the "Media" category, browse the CD cover templates available. Select the one that best suits the kind of cover you want to make. Don't worry about the design on the cover. You will be removing it and replacing it with your own.
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Step 2
Click the template you want to use to open it in Word for editing. The template will have text and graphics in place. Leave any of the images you want to use. To delete the text and graphics on the template, select the element you want to delete and press the "Delete" key on you computer. This will get rid of the template element.
Step 3
Click the "Insert" menu, select the "Picture" option and browse to the location on your computer where the picture you want to include on your CD cover is. The picture will appear in the template. To resize it, click the picture to select it, then point your mouse at the selection and drag the selection lines to size the image.
Step 4
Insert text by going to the "Insert" menu and selecting either the "WordArt" or the "Text Box" option. Type the text you want to appear on your CD cover and format it using the format toolbar. Set the font style, size and color with this toolbar.
Step 5
Save your CD cover under a unique name. To print your CD cover, use CD cover paper which you can purchase from an office supply store, or print it on standard copy paper. To print several of the covers, using template paper is best. If you use standard paper, you'll have to cut the CD covers out rather than removing them by perforation.
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