There is perhaps no better way to preserve your family's prized recipes than to create a personalized and professional-looking cookbook. There are many paid programs that assist users in designing and producing cookbooks, but you can make a cookbook using a program that comes standard on Apple computers. iPhoto allows users to upload photos, add text and design and publish books with the help of easy-to-use templates.
Step 1
Take and upload digital photos. Since iPhoto aides in the production of photo-based books, this is the perfect opportunity to show off the finished products of your recipes. After photographing, upload your images to iPhoto. Usually iPhoto opens automatically and switches to import mode once you connect your digital camera to your Mac using a Firewire or USB cable.
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Step 2
Select the photos you wish to use in iPhoto's picture viewer. Choose images that best display the colors and ingredients of your dishes. Vivid, clear photos will make your cookbook more visually appealing. Select multiple photos by holding down the "Command" key and clicking the photo image.
Step 3
Choose your project type. On the bottom of iPhoto window, click the "Keepsakes" icon and select "Book." A new window will appear with book options. Select your book type from the drop-down menu. For cookbooks, the wire-bound softcover will work best as it will allow your book to be propped open, hands-free. For more product details and pricing information, click the "Options + Prices" button.
Step 4
Drag photos onto your books pages. Use the arrow buttons in the bottom-right corner of the window to turn the pages of your cookbook.
Step 5
Edit the layout and add recipes. Clicking the "Layout" button at the bottom center of the window will allow you to change the layout of each page to include more or fewer pictures and text boxes. You can also edit the theme and background of each page or add pages by selecting the corresponding buttons. Add your recipes to the text boxes on the pages with the corresponding photos.
Step 6
Review each page of your cookbook. Once everything is finalized, click "Buy" to process your order using your Apple account information.
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