How to Make a Devil Emoticon

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Emoticons: Easier than buying a mask and a webcam.

Emoticons are collections of letters, numbers or other characters which, when typed together, resemble faces with certain expressions. For example, the colon, hyphen and parenthesis can be used together to form a smiley face :-). These are often used in Internet chats or text messages as a shorthand way of expressing emotions. Some chat rooms and messaging services are programmed to automatically replace the typed emoticon with a picture or animation, though exactly which set of characters is required to produce the animation depends on which chat service you use. This article explains how to produce the devil emoticon on some of the most popular services.


Step 1

Make the devil emoticon on Facebook by typing the numeral 3, then the colon, then the right-parenthesis. It will look like this: 3:)

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Step 2

Make the devil emoticon on MSN by typing the numeral 6 inside two parentheses. It will look like this: (6)


Step 3

Make the devil emoticon on Google Chat by pressing the shift key while typing the right bracket, then a colon, then a dash, then a right-parenthesis. It will look like this: }:-)


Step 4

Make the devil emoticon on Yahoo by pressing shift and typing the period, then a colon, then a right parenthesis. It will look like this: >:)

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