How to Make a New Folder on Android Email

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The default Android email client allows you to set up your email with Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. To create a new folder in your Android email system, you'll need to access the email account in your Web browser. Once you create the folder inside the email account, you'll be able to view it through Android. You cannot create new folders for your Android email application directly from your phone.


Yahoo Mail

Video of the Day

Step 1

Sign into your Yahoo Mail account.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click the "Folders" sidebar tab to expand it, then click on the "Plus" button.


Step 3

Name the folder, then click "Okay."


Step 1

Sign in to your Gmail account. Click the "More" button in the left sidebar.


Step 2

Select "Create New Label." Name the folder, then select a folder to nest it under.

Step 3

Click "Create" to create the new folder.


Step 1

Sign in to your Hotmail account.



Step 2

Click the "Gear" icon next to the "Folders" link.

Step 3

Click "Add a New Folder." Press Enter to create the new folder.

Access Folders in Android

Step 1

Tap the "Email" icon to open the Android email interface.


Step 2

Touch "Menu."

Step 3

Tap "Folders" to open the list of created folders. Touch the new folder to access it.


