If you are passionate about an issue and you want to share your thoughts with others, you may want to start a petition on Facebook. There are a couple of ways you can create a petition to share with your Facebook friends and groups you are involved in.
Facebook App Causes
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Causes is an app designed for users who want to start petitions on Facebook. To use it, log in to your Facebook account and access the app at https://apps.facebook.com/causes/?fb_source=search&ref=br_tf. Click "Join Now" to join Causes using your Facebook profile information. Once you're a member of Causes, you can click "Start a Campaign" and follow the prompts to launch a petition for any cause you like. Specify how many signatures you need on the petition as well as an end date for the campaign.
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Sharing a Petition with a Group
You can share petitions created using the Causes app on Facebook with any group that you are a member of. After a new petition is created, click the "Share on Facebook" link to share the petition on your personal Facebook timeline. While you don't have the option to share it with a group immediately, you can share the petition with a group once it posts to your timeline. To do so, simply click "Share" on the petition post on your timeline. In the dropdown menu, select the "In a Group" option, and then type in the name of the group you wish to share it with.
Sharing Petitions From Third-Party Petition Sites
You can share petitions created on third-party petition sites such as Change.org, iPetitions, SignOn.org, and GoPetitions, on Facebook. While logged in to these third-party sites, use the Facebook icons to choose to share your petition on your timeline or in groups that you are a member of. Alternatively, you can share a link that goes directly to the third-party site on your timeline.
Garnering Petition Support
Although sharing your petition with your friends and groups is a good start, you may be able to garner even more support by posting a link to the petition in other groups. Look for groups that support the same type of cause and ask to become a member so you can share the petition link with new people. You may also want to look for Facebook fan pages that attract people who would potentially be interested in the petition topic. The more that you share the petition link, the more likely you are to spread it far and fast.