How to Make a Web Page Larger or Smaller to View on a Mac

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Image Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

According to Social Security Online, "Many pages can be difficult to view because the text is too small to comfortably read." Likewise, some users may need to decrease the size of a website view so it fits on the screen. The major Macintosh Web browsers, including Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, all use the same methods to increase or decrease the size of Web page views.


Step 1

Increase the size of a Web page in the browser by pressing the "Command" and "+" key at the same time.

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Step 2

Decrease the size of a Web page in the browser by pressing the "Command" and "-" key at the same time.

Step 3

Perform either action by going to the "View" menu of the Web browser and selecting "Zoom In" or "Zoom Out."


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