How to Make Assumption Charts in Excel

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An assumption chart is a type of chart that attempts to predict future behavior, based on a series or rules or assumptions. For example, you can build a chart with interest rates for various countries around the world which will give you a snapshot with which to make investment decisions. Assumptions charts are also used by various government agencies like the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Microsoft Excel is the ideal software to create an assumption chart.


Step 1

Click the "Insert" tab and then click "Header and Footer." This inserts a header and footer into your document.

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Step 2

Type a name for your chart into the header. For example, type "World Market Information."


Step 3

Click cell "B1" and type a heading for column B. For example, you might type "United States" if you want an assumption chart for world interest rates.

Step 4

Click cell "C1" and type a column header for column C. For this example, type "Europe."


Step 5

Continue entering column titles in row 1, beginning at cell "D1" until you have entered all of your column titles. In this example, type "U.K." into cell "D1" and then type "Japan" into cell "E1."


Step 6

Click cell "A2" and type a descriptive name for the row. In the interest rate example, you might type "Headline inflation."


Step 7

Click cell "A3" and type a descriptive name for the next row. For example, type "Core Inflation."

Step 8

Continue entering row headers in column A, starting at cell "A4" and working downward. In this example, type "GDP" into cell "A4."


Step 9

Fill in the information in the rows and columns of your chart. For example, click cell "B2" and type the headline inflation for the United States.

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