How to Make Batch Files That Change a Password

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Execute password changes on your Windows network computers.

Batch files (BAT) are files that execute on a Windows computer and process plain text commands. Batch files are typically used to change configurations of a computer on a network. One type of administration process used in batch files is a password change, which is executed to prompt the user to change a password during login. Batch files run in the Windows command prompt, so these prompt commands are used in the file.


Step 1

Click the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs." Click "Accessories" and then click "Notepad" to open the text editor.

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Step 2

Enter the following text into Notepad:


net user myuser newpass

Replace "myuser" with the name of the computer's user account and replace "newpass" with the password you want to use.

Step 3

Click the "File" menu button at the top of the Notepad window. Select "Save As" to open a dialog box.



Step 4

Enter "changepassword.bat" into the file name text box. Select "All Files" from the list of file types drop-down box. Click "Save" to create and save the file.

Step 5

Double-click the new batch file saved on your machine. A Windows command line prompt opens and the user's password will change.

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