Flash cards are a helpful tool that can be used to learn math, history or any other subject. Conventional flash cards are physical cards that list a question or problem on one side, and the answer or solution on the reverse. Make flash cards tailored to your needs without using a single piece of paper or card stock. Instead, make them in Microsoft Excel. When you are finished using the flash cards, simply delete the file.
Step 1

Start Excel and open a new blank spreadsheet. Enter a title for the flash cards into Cell A1.
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Step 2

Select Cell A3 by clicking on it. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse down to select enough cells in Column A to make all the flash cards needed. For example, if you want 25 flash cards, select Cell A3 through Cell A27.
Step 3

Right click the selected cells and click "Format Cells." Go to the Alignment tab. Under Text Control, select "Wrap Text." This will wrap any text you type into the cell, so that it fits the size of cell you select instead of spilling out across other columns. Click "OK" to apply the changes.
Step 4

Resize the cell, if desired, by dragging the row or column to the size you want. Type the first question or problem into Cell A3. You can enter a hard return if you need to, which will force the cursor onto a new line in the same cell. Do so by pressing and holding the "Alt" key and then pressing "Enter." Click "AutoShapes" or "Shapes" from the Insert tab or the Insert menu to enter lines or other shapes, if needed.
Step 5

Click the cell again to make sure it is selected. Right click and select "Insert Comment." Type the correct answer into the "Comment" field and press "Enter." Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for the remaining flash cards you want to make.
Step 6

Use the flash cards by hovering the mouse over the small flag in the window of a cell to reveal the correct answer.
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