VLC media player is a popular free and open source media player that can play innumerable types of video and audio files. Like other media players, VLC media player allows you to watch your movies with subtitles. Sometimes, if a movie has subtitles with characters other than the English alphabet, VLC media player may give you errors or show weird characters. If you want to watch a movie with Korean subtitles, you will need to adjust a few settings.
Step 1
Launch VLC Media Player. Click on "Start," "All Programs," "VideoLAN." Then select "VLC Media Player."
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Step 2
Click on "Tools," "Preferences," then click the "Subtitles & OSD" button. In the font box, under display settings, click on "Batang" font or "Gulim" font from the list of fonts. These are the default Korean fonts which VLC media player will use to encode the Korean subtitles properly. Click "Save," then restart VLC media player.
Step 3
Launch VLC media player again. Click on "Media," "Open File," and locate the Korean movie you want to play. Click "Open." VLC media player will now display the Korean subtitles properly.
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