The key to success in business is creating a product or service that customers actually want. If you can generate enough supply to meet demand without going over, you can be profitable, provided your income exceeds your debt. Using a supply and demand graph creator, you can generate a chart in Word that will help you monitor how your business is performing.
What is Supply and Demand?
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Before you start selling a product or service, it's important to ensure there's a market for it. But even after your business is up and running, you'll need to create enough supply to meet demand without going so far over that you're losing money. A supply and demand graph maker can keep you in check with that on a monthly, quarterly and/or annual basis.
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But supply and demand go beyond telling you how much inventory and resources you need to remain profitable. The law of supply and demand relates to how the supply and demand for a particular product or service determine its price. The supply and demand graph creator can help you determine whether you can afford to raise prices and, once you do, whether that was a wise idea.
Finding a Demand Curve Graph Maker
Sure, you could start from scratch, but there are many supply and demand graph makers out there that can give you the chart you need. These templates will have you input the data specific to your business, then easily adjust it to see what happens if you change variables. If you raise your prices in the next quarter, for example, and demand decreases, will that allow you to continue to make the same money with fewer resources?
Look for a supply and demand graph creator that can be exported to Microsoft Word. Then you'll be able to create your chart and copy it to Word. You typically can also export to Excel or to a PDF. If you're planning to incorporate your graph into a PowerPoint presentation, you may want to save time and find a graph maker that goes directly there.
If you prefer to do things manually rather than using a demand curve graph maker, you can easily create graphs in Word. You'll go to Insert-Chart-Line and choose the line graph that has the look you want. If you're working with a large amount of data, Microsoft recommends using Excel for your work, then copying the chart to Word when you're finished.
Gathering Supply-Demand Data
No matter what supply and demand graph maker you use to make things easier, gathering the data is the hard part. You'll need to monitor sales by item rather than price, as well as continually keeping an eye on your own supply. There are tools you can use that will monitor this for you and output graphs that you can pop into your reports.
But your demand curve graph maker won't account for other facets of operations that are important. Sales and operations planning can have a heavy influence on whether your products sell, even if you raise the price.