The "Spanish N," as it is frequently called, is an "N" with a small accent mark above it. The accent mark is called a tilde (and informally referred to as a "squiggly"). Since this character is not used in the English alphabet, most United States keyboards do not have a key specifically for it. You can use keyboard shortcuts, however, to quickly make a "Spanish N," whether uppercase or lowercase. The process is different between Windows-equipped PCs and those with the Mac operating system.
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Step 1
Move your mouse cursor to the position you want the Spanish N to appear.
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Step 2
Type a lowercase Spanish N by holding the "Alt" button on your keyboard and typing "0241" on your number pad.
Step 3
Type an uppercase Spanish N by holding the "Alt" button on your keyboard, and typing "0209" on your number pad.
Step 1
Move your mouse cursor to the position you want to type a Spanish N.
Step 2
Press the "Option" and "N" buttons on your keyboard, then press lowercase "n" to type a lowercase Spanish N.
Step 3
Press the "Option" and "N" buttons on your keyboard, then press uppercase "N" to type an uppercase Spanish N.