Instead of creating a boring and dull presentation with bland slides that show no personality, you can create one-of-a-kind, attention-drawing presentations using the Star Wars scrolling text theme. Use this effect to entertain people viewing your presentation and draw attention to your presentation. Setting up a presentation to include Star Wars scrolling text in your choice of words requires little computer skills and minimal time.
Step 1
Choose a starry night sky photograph to use as the background for your PowerPoint slides. To do this, you may take the photo yourself or find a photo online to use as the background.
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Step 2
Open the PowerPoint program on your computer and select a new blank presentation to get started with.
Step 3
Change the layout of the first slide to a blank slide with only a starry night background. To do this, click on the "Format" tab followed by the word "Slide Layout" from the drop down menu. Under the "Content Layouts" options, choose the completely blank slide for your first slide.
Step 4
Return to the "Format" tab to insert the starry background onto the slide. Scroll down and click on the "Slide Background" option in the drop down menu. When the small pop-up window appears, click on the blank scroll menu and click on the "Fill Effects" button.
Step 5
Move over to the "Picture" tab at the top of the next pop-up window. This will allow you to enter the starry background for the slide. Under this tab, click to "Select Picture" under which you will need to locate the star background file on your computer.
Step 6
Insert the picture onto the PowerPoint presentation and click "OK" on the confirmation page. When you return to the smaller pop-up window, click on the "Apply" button to change the background to the starry night scene.
Step 7
Click on the "Insert" tab at the top of the PowerPoint window and locate the "Text Box" in the drop-down menu. Click on this option and draw the text box onto the otherwise empty slide.
Step 8
Type your chosen message into the text box. Highlight the typed message and change the font style and color as desired. You may use your choice of font style in a yellow shade or download the exact font used on the Star Wars movies. You may also adjust the size of the text box and font size at this time. To do these adjustments to the font, go to the "Format" tab and locate "Font" in the drop down menu.
Step 9
Center the text box in the middle of the slide. To make the effect look truly like Star Wars, you need to center the text box. However, you may also choose to place the text box to one side instead of in the center.
Step 10
Right-click on the text box and locate the "Custom Animation" button on the menu that appears. On the following pop-up menu press the button at the top of the screen that reads "Add Effect."
Step 11
Locate the "Credits" effect on the "Entrance" animations and set the text box to enter the screen by scrolling up from the bottom of the screen and disappearing into the top of the slide. Select "OK" to return to the "Custom Animation" window.
Step 12
Move the text box credits animation to the top of the animation order by clicking on the text animation in the list and using the arrows to move the animation to the top. While clicked on this animation, you can adjust the starting time, properties and speed of the scrolling. Additionally you can use the " Effects Options" button to control how the effect starts and stops. Confirm your changes when finished.
Step 13
Click on the "Slide Show" tab at the top of the PowerPoint screen and click again on the "View Show" option. Watch the presentation and adjust as necessary by revisiting the tabs from before.
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