How to Make the Windows Screen Smaller

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The Windows Operating System comes with a number of different options that you can use to customize the appearance of the computer so it fits the way you want. You can quickly and easily change the colors, fonts and other appearance features. One item that you can change quickly is the size of the Windows screen.


Step 1

Right-click on the desktop of the operating system. This will bring up a shortcut menu.

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Step 2

Click on "Personalize" in the shortcut menu. This will open up the "Appearance and Personalization" window.


Step 3

Click on "Display settings." This option is normally at the bottom of the window. This will open another window, the "Display Settings" window.

Step 4

Select a resolution. At the bottom of the "Display settings" window, there's a slider that appears under the word "Resolution." Moving the slider to the left will make your screen larger; sliding it to the right will make it smaller.



Step 5

Click the "OK" button. This will change the settings on your screen and will ask you to confirm that you want to keep these new settings.

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