If you want to have a business account and personal account on Facebook, you need separate email addresses. Facebook only allows you to use one account per email address. However, you can create a second account with a new email address and add your original email address as a primary contact. You cannot merge the accounts together to create a master account, but people will be able to find you when searching by your email address.
Step 1
Go to the Facebook website (see Resources section).
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Step 2
Look for the Sign Up section on the center, right side of the Facebook home page.
Step 3
Fill out all of the required fields and fill in the "Your Email" section with your secondary email address.
Step 4
Log in using your secondary email address.
Step 5
Click "Profile" in the top right corner of the page.
Step 6
Click "Info" on the left menu column.
Step 7
Scroll down the screen to the area that reads "Contact Information."
Step 8
Click "Edit."
Step 9
Click "Add/Remove Emails" under the "Emails" section.
Step 10
Type your primary email address into the box and save the changes.
When people search for your email address, you profile will appear in the results.
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