How to: Mount System RW in Android

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Set the System folder to rwad/write on Android phones.

Google's Android smartphone operating system uses Linux, UNIX and Java as base. This means that advanced users can utilize a terminal interface, giving commands and instructions to Android via a command line instead of a graphical interface. Root-enabled users can set the System folder to a read/write state, just like a command line on a Linux system. Using a command line is an advanced technique - novice users should avoid terminal interfaces.


Step 1

Turn on your phone and unlock the screen. Press the "Home" button. Tap the application drawer. Tap "Market."

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Step 2

Press the "Search" button. Enter "Terminal" and tap "Go." Tap "Android Terminal Emulator." Tap "Free," and then "OK." Wait for the app to download and install.


Step 3

Press the "Home" button. Tap the application drawer. Tap "Terminal Emulator."

Step 4

Hold down the "Menu" button if you don't see the Android keyboard. Type "su" and tap "Enter." If your Superuser app appears, tap "Allow."



Step 5

Type the following text inside the quotation marks exactly: "mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system". Tap "Enter." Your System folder is now set to read/write mode.

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