How to Open a Disc Tray

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There are various ways to open a disc tray if the basic method fails.

The disc tray is essential on any machine that runs CDs, CD-ROMs, games or DVDs. Opening the disc tray can be challenging for beginners, and in some cases the regular method for opening the tray fails. Many steps can be taken at home to try to open the disc tray, but if it's really jammed it is best to take the console to a professional.


Eject Button

Video of the Day

Step 1

Locate the eject button near the disc tray. This button is usually directly to the left or right of the disc tray.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Press the eject button firmly and quickly. The tray should slide open.


Step 3

Press the eject button a second time to close the disc tray.

System Command Tool

Step 1

Click the desktop icon "My Computer." Open the "C" drive from the My Computer folder to see the entire contents of the "C" drive.


Step 2

Click the Windows folder inside of the "C" drive menu.


Step 3

Open the folder labelled "system32." Find the application called "cmd" in the system32 folder. Open this program to view the system command tool.


Step 4

Type "C:>eject D" in the system command program, replacing D with whatever drive the disc tray accesses. This command will manually open the disc tray.

Step 5

Insert the disc into the disc tray and type "C:>eject D: /l" replacing D with the drive was used in the previous step.

