How to Open ASP Files

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Microsoft Active Server Page (ASP) files are a source code script file commonly used by internet pages. It helps provide information that Internet browsers will read and interpret. These types of files are used to generate dynamic content and dynamically made webpages. These types of files can be edited using most text editing programs (such as Notepad).


Step 1

Open an Internet browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.

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Step 2

Click on the "File" menu.

Step 3

Select the "Open file" option.


Step 4

Select the ASP file you wish to open. If you are opening an ASP file from a web page that you have saved, the ASP file will be in the folder that you saved the web page to, along with the the other files associated with the web page. Otherwise, you can use the "search" function (in the start menu for windoes) to locate the file.


Step 5

Select "OK."

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