How to Open Rosetta Stone RSD Files

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You need the Rosetta Stone program to open RSD files.

The Rosetta Stone language learning program seeks to teach language "using a natural method that teaches new language directly, without translation." The units and lessons for the Rosetta Stone program are saved as .rsd files and encrypted -- they can only be opened and used with the program. When using the program, the files are opened easily using Rosetta Stone's simple interface.


Step 1

Insert the Rosetta Stone installation disc into the computer's disc drive and install the program. When the installation is finished, remove the installation disc from the drive.

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Step 2

Insert the language data disc into the computer's disc drive. Double-click the Rosetta Stone desktop icon to run the application.


Step 3

Click the language you'll use to open the .rsd file, from the "Language/Product" menu on the left-hand side of the application window. Click the unit you'll use to view the lessons from the "Unit" menu. With the proper language and unit selected, click the lesson associated with the .rsd file. When you click the lesson title, the .rsd file will open in the Rosetta Stone application window.


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